There is a line from a song that goes, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”    With that well meaning thought in mind and the arrival of tax day, the ominous April 15th tax day should be renamed, “Let There Be Economic Justice and Let It Begin with Liberals Day.”

 On April 15th, all Obama voters should send a check to the U.S. Federal Government for double of whatever percentage they already contributed in taxes. Obama voters that already paid 20% in taxes should volunteer to send an additional 20% and so on.

 Just think how virtuous, compassionate and altruistic Obama voters can feel doing more than their share to help bring economic justice to America. 

 Virtuous Obama voters can contribute additional tax revenue because they already have full faith and confidence in the federal government to spend it in the most efficient manner.  On Economic Justice Day, liberals can lay their heads on their pillows Thursday night knowing Congress will dispense even more of their hard earned money to all those not empowered to provide for themselves.

 Obama’s fiscal angels can lead the way toward fiscal empowerment for everyone.  What a thrilling opportunity for those who despise America’s prosperity will have.

 Considering 50% of Americans will be subsidizing the other non-tax paying 50% for everything from student loans to healthcare, it seems only “fair” that the 52% of the electorate who voted for Barack Obama would be the ones to step up to the plate and usher in the hope and change they voted for. 

 With the Bush tax cuts due to expire, healthcare charges being implemented this year, and VAT tax talk lurking in the wings, this new perspective on Tax Day will provide the much needed example the 48% of  “selfish” Americans who did not vote for Barack need to get past the pain of having hard earned money confiscated and used as the government deems necessary.  Liberals love setting the example to help “change” people’s erroneous perspective.

 There isn’t a word that can speak quite as loudly as action.  Therefore, Economic Justice Day is the perfect time for Obama voters to put their obvious superior ideologies on display in order to set an example for the rest of the selfish, self-serving Americans. 

 Everyone knows that liberals are more compassionate, understanding and supportive of those less fortunate than themselves.  So, while the Tea Party bigots are out protesting the confiscation of their money by an out of control, big spending government, liberals can serve as the shining example of how Americans ought to respond.

 During the election, as a means toward economic justice, Barack made it crystal clear he supports the notion of “redistribution of wealth.” Why candy coat redistribution as non-renewal of the Bush tax cuts or concern for the environment in cap and trade?  From this day forward let’s call it for what it is…redistribution for economic justice.

 Obama voters should consider it an honor and privilege to give double the amount in tax contributions and in doing so get behind the policy of Barack Obama, take the first step, put their money where their mouth is and have economic justice begin with them. 

 I don’t know, maybe it’s me.